Restorative & Innovative Mindfulness Strategies for Life
Present Solutions
Curriculum Vitae
Clinical Positions
Sage Neuroscience Center: Mindfulness program for adults, adolescents and professionals offering individual psychotherapy, group therapy and staff trainings, Albuquerque, New Mexico (11/2011— 5/2013)
Cross Country Education: National speaker offering mindfulness seminars for clinical application in psychotherapy presented in over 100 U.S. cities (6/2005-7/2010)
Private Practice: Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy with adults and adolescents, specializing in mood disorders, pain management, eating issues, impulse control disorders, trauma, anxiety disorders, stress reduction (10/98 —present)
Discovery Counseling Center: Individual and group alcohol/drug counseling, Louisville, CO (8/2003 — 4/2006)
Denver Cares: Teaching mindfulness-based elective class to addiction counselor trainees, Denver, CO (9/2004 —10/2006)
Bay Area Addiction Research and Treatment: Individual mindfulness-based addiction counseling, San Francisco, CA (10/2001— 7/2003)
Mindfulness-Based Teaching and Clinical Experience
Metta Counseling Center: Mindfulness classes for clients and staff, Tucson, AZ (2020).
Healthy Families Counseling Center, continuing education workshops for staff counselors, (2013-2017).
Youth Shelter and Family Services, Introduction to the Unified Mindfulness System, In service training, Santa Fe, NM (2/2016).
Southwestern Women's Options, In service training, Introduction to the Unified Mindfulness System, (July 2016)
Vessel Health: Office of Harvey White, M.D, cardiologist, "Calming the Anxious Mind: An Introduction to the Unified Mindfulness System" ( January, 2013)
Boulder Valley School District: Mindfulness meditation for high school teachers, research project, Boulder, CO (2/2010 — 4/2010)
JFK University: continuing education seminar, Pleasant Hill, CA (10/2009)
University of Colorado at Boulder: Inservice Training (6/2010)
Boulder Community Hospital Center for Integrative Therapies: In-service training, Boulder, CO (8/2009)
Evergreen Orthopedics: Mindfulness-based pain management in the office of Basel Al-Aswad, M.D., orthopedic surgeon, Chicago, IL, (1/2006-1/2007)
Sierra Tucson Rehabilitation Center: Trauma, eating disorders, addiction, pain management, continuing education seminar for counselors, Tucson, AZ, (11/2008)
Denver Health Addiction Counselor Training Instructor: (9/2004 — 10/2008)
Bethesda Naval Medical Center: Grand Rounds, Bethesda, MD (11/2007)
Blue Ridge Community and Technical College: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation for public, students and staff, Martinsburg, W. VA (11/2007)
Little Company of Mary Hospital: In-service for nurses, Chicago, IL (2/2006)
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center: School of Nursing, continuing education (2/2005 — 9/2009)
Naropa University, Wilderness Therapy Seminars: ( 10/2007 and 10/2008) Addiction Class, (1/2005 — 3/2005)
Metro State College: Meditation presentations for the classes of Scott DeMuro, Ph.D. Denver, CO (5/2005, 5/2006, 5/2007)
Toronto Psychotherapist Guild: Continuing education seminar, Toronto, Canada (10/2005)
Craig Hospital for Spinal Cord Injuries: In-service training, Denver, CO (9/2005)
U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons, FCI, Englewood: in-service training for counselors, Englewood, CO (3/2006)
Western Colorado Area Health Education Center:Winter School two-day seminars for addiction professionals, Grand Junction, CO (2/2005-2/2007)
Longmont United Hospital: Public classes and presentations, (3/2000 — 5/2009)
University of New Mexico: Introductory meditation class for continuing education, Albuquerque, NM (1990), Continuing education seminar for mental health professionals (2/2013)
MA, Clinical Psychology: Regis University, Denver, CO (8/2000)
BA, Psychology: State University of New York, College At Buffalo,
Buffalo, NY (12/74)
LPC, Licensed Professional Counselor (AZ)
LISAC: Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor (AZ)
LPCC, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (NM)
LADAC, Licensed Alcohol/Drug Counselor (NM)
Boulder Veterans Center: Boulder, Colorado(9/1998 — 12/1999)
Access Counseling Center: Boulder, Colorado (12/1999 — 12/2000)
Specialized Training
Gestalt Institute of the Rockies: Gestalt Therapy Training, Denver, CO (2000-2002)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Training: VA Hospital, Denver, CO (1999-2000)
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Training with Antonio Wood, M.D., Boulder, CO (1997-1998)
Mindfulness Training: Approximately 35,000 training hours of intensive study and practice; certified to teach the Basic Mindfulness System developed by Shinzen Young
Solution Focused Brief Therapy Training: Denver, CO (7/2008)
Denver Cares: Alcohol/Drug Counselor Training, Denver, CO (2003-2005)
Internal Family Systems Training: Vermont Center for Psychotherapy and Yoga, Burlington, VT (7/2011).
When Therapy Doesn't Work: A Mindfulness Guide to Emotional Repair (2024)
“The Mind of Meditation”, Meditation Magazine, (1990)
Benny the Bunny Finds the Happy Place: A Mindfulness Journey for Children and Adults, (2009)
www.HealthCentral.com: Mindfulness meditation articles (diabetes section)
Collaboration with the SEMA Lab at the University of Arizona (2021, Tucson, AZ) working on preliminary addiction research with Dr. Jay Sanguinetti (neuroscience researcher) and Shinzen Young, (neuroscience consultant)
Collaboration with Neuro-X Lab at the Medical University of South Carolina: Implementing my Release and Empowerment addiction protocol in combination with the mindfulness enhancing device, “Zendo,” testing its effects on alcohol abuse.
OCD Pilot Study (2018, Albuquerque, NM) using the Unified Mindfulness Desensitization pro-tocol : Eleven patients were assessed at each session using the OCI-R (Foa et al, , 2002). Due to the widely varying number of sessions (range = 5-21 sessions), scores from the first session and the final session for each participant were examined in a repeated measures ANOVA. OCI-R scores reduced significantly from the start to the end of the intervention (F(1,10)=36.4, p<.001) with a large effect size (η2 = .78). Following the intervention, patients on average had scores that were 35% of their starting score. Means (and standard deviations) for OCI-Scores are pre-sented in the table below.
Descriptive Statistics REFERENCE Foa EB, Huppert JD, Leiberg S, Langner R, Kichic R, Hajcak G, Salkovskis PM. The Obsessive Compulsive Inventory: development and validation of a short version. Psychol Assess. 2002 Dec;14(4):485-96. PMID: 12501574.